Oh, Cricket! So frustrating for her and for you!!

You have pretty much described my DD8 (almost 9!) perfectly. She is HG+, ADHD, anxiety and most likely, dyslexic. She is being assessed next month to rule in the dyslexia. Most of the time, she is pretty plucky about her challenges. She chalks a lot of things up to having a 'unique' brain. But when she gets down on herself, watch out! It is so hard to watch as a parent.

Does she have anyone to talk with? Any other kids her age that have similar struggles? I know my DD recently found an article in a magazine about a girl her age with ADHD who found out she was gifted. She read the article with her mouth hanging open and said that it was the first time anyone ever voiced how she felt on the inside. She has shown that article to every family member and all her friends. This has helped her understand that there are others like her out there in the big world. She still wishes she knew a few in person, though!

Maybe we need to organize an email therapy group for our kids, LOL. Although, no one would ever be able to read any of my DD's emails, God love the poor girl, her spelling, and lack of capitalization and punctuation!

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it. — L.M. Montgomery