I'm trying to say this as gently as possible here...I've got a concern that this thread is an attempt by a few to force some members to be more PC.

<3 <3 <3

My heart just filled with love for you, for saying that.

But I personally think that what's going on is that Mark mentioned in a recent thread that forum guidelines were in the offing, and Grinity decided to create a few threads to discuss issues that might feed into the guidelines. She's certainly trying to push things in a certain direction, but isn't that her right? She's just using her particular type of persuasion. With her it started by framing the discussion, but people are free to start other threads on forum conduct/rules, and to push this one in any direction they wish.
I think what's happened is an interesting discussion about different viewpoints on what the forum should be and have. The more touchy-feely types (a lovingly meant term) can only force things insofar as they are compelling in their reasons for making the forum more touchy-feely. The open thread has had plenty of input from people who IMHO have shown why this forum shouldn't be censored.
I'm always for getting all the cards on the table. If I were the only person who believed in straight talk and open discussion, and it became apparent that I had come to a "discussion" forum whose only real goal was to offend no one and make people feel welcome, I would probably just leave out of respect, realizing that I was in the wrong place. I'm relieved to see that this isn't that place.