I could reduce the level of acrimony on this board at least a bit by never writing about the demographics of intelligence and giftedness
This is very true - I feel that that whole train of thought is outside the purpose of this board.
Well...my opinion is that Mark is the moderator, and it's his job to remove trains of thought that aren't appropriate here. I think he does a good job, and he's said that he's going to write some guidelines. Bostonian, to give one example, has posted so many threads on educational policy, demographics, and so on, Mark would have removed them long ago if they were inappropriate. I don't like banning discussions of ideas because they make some or many people feel uncomfortable.

I'm trying to say this as gently as possible here...I've got a concern that this thread is an attempt by a few to force some members to be more PC.

<3 <3 <3

A few people here have complained that some of the posts have been too aggressive for them, making them hesitant to post. For my part, I've noticed more one-upping here in the last six to nine months, and have been hesitant to post about certain things because I believe that instead of a thoughtful response, I'll get a reply that's meant to make me and anyone else with the same problem feel inadequate. So why bother?

<3 <3 <3

But I haven't brought it up, because any attempt to formally regulate speech in a vague way will always be too open to interpretation, making censorship too easy.
Nearly any post on this board will fall into someone's
I don't like it category. In any gathering of two or more people, there are bound to be disagreements and people are bound to feel piqued. It's part of life.
I will publicly agree that the blogger was overdoing it. But the matter was handled well by people on the board. I recall a couple situations in 2007 or 2008 when one or two new posters signed up with explicit agendas. They were, emm, handled in the same way as the recent blogging thing and/or by Mark. I think the system works.