Originally Posted by DeeDee
P2P, it's great that your child didn't need this level of support.

It isn't about "level of support". Kids who aren't forced to apologize aren't getting less parenting or less support; in fact they may be getting much more. It is about a different initial set of beliefs about children. If you believe: kids are willful and must be forced to be compliant, kids are mean and must be forced to be nice, kids are bad and must forced to be good - then forced apologies make perfect sense. If on the other hand you believe that kids are born with a desire to learn and get along with others but they often lack the maturity, resources, and skills to do so - then shaming them and forcing them to apologize makes no sense.

It also probably gets to what you believe about apologies. Some people seem to believe in the ritual for the sake of the ritual. Philandering politician mutters "sorry for disappointing my wife, I'll get treatment" and then it is all better. From my perspective fake apologies are often worse than no apologies at all. Teaching kids to fake contrition teaches them to lie and it makes apologies an act of power (I can force you to apologize).