Originally Posted by Wren
Children do react about being corrected. It is their instinctual power play. How much can they away with? Hence why some parents do not want to correct and think they went too far.

Back when my parents, and my friends parents spanked routinely, no parent worried about the child crying after spanking. It was what happened but children learned to behave back then.

I am not advocating spanking, I do not spank. But I have always done the consequences and although it hurt when my child cried in the corner and I sat and counted because she needed to learn. Find me a kid who likes their bad behavior corrected and I will point out the second coming.

Is that snarky? Do I need a time out?

I think that's very thoughtfully said and not snarky. (Except for the part about asking if it's snarky, which is of course snarky, but I deserve it, so that's ok with me!) I don't think it's necessarily true, but I think it is of high level and helps the conversation along. I love it when you give us the fuller picture of your sweet and pointy mind. This is a gifted issues because a lot of us think at such a high speed that it feels like a drag (ok-litterally) to slow down. But there are time when it's important to do just that. Most of us are so used to a heterogeneous environment where we can 'fire at will' and be right 99% of the time. ((shrug))

Perhaps we can create a 'snark-positve' thread over on the Discussion area. I'll start.

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