First, Thank you so much for all your help. I am gearing up for a meeting next week, and want to have all my ducks in a row.
-testing is less than a year ago,so still current (last 12 months) but not really applicable since now we have to test for achievement in other grade levels.
-Apparently, they DID NOT do any aptitude or ability test. Because (from email sent minutes ago):

The first step in evaluating a student for AIG acceleration services is to do an achievement test on grade level. **** met the criteria for that, so we proceeded with the next step--an above-grade-level test. However, she did not meet the critieria on that level so we were unable to continue the process. Because both of these tests are necessary components of the Iowa Acceleration Scale, we were unable to proceed further. That is why there are no Iowa Accerlation Scale results in her folder, only the scores of the first two rounds of her evaluation. I hope that helps.

-from the way I read the district criteria, they probaly did mean <10 points, because it is in the section for subject acceleration, whole grade level does require >10 points. On the calculation on the IAS, it says "....(if) the AAAA subtotal score is <10, do not consider whole-grade acceleration". Which then leaves the door open to subject acceleration, as a Grand total of 34 or fewer points actually recommends the consideration of single-subject acceleration.

-so from my understanding, they never did an IAS, as the district requires. they simply did a "component" of the score, and ruled it out based on that. Is this what you both gather???
