Originally Posted by Weids13
If she doesn't get 75%, it doesn't matter what her IQ is, they won't advance her, so I don't see the point.
I agree that jumping through their hoops is the best path, but if that fails, it's pretty shocking how when the outside professional step up the previous 'rules' are sometimes forgotten. Not a definite by any means, but there can be some 'shock value' that works in one's favor sometimes.

As for her being the youngest already and her social skills being 'weak' that is sometimes the best reason for a full skip. Why? Well, there is a lot of 'trial and error' and practice in developing social skills, and you want your DD to have lots of experiences to be able to develop social skills. If her classmates are operating, say, 3 years below her intellectually, then how many meaningful and motivating opportunities will she have in the course of the day to develop social skills? In a room with older children, who get her jokes, who like to play what she likes to play, she may have more of a chance to progress in the social skills department.

If she has issues with social skills, then address the issues, but don't sacrifice academics for them.

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