Dottie.. yes, we are doing "gallon man" this week.
She is in the highest level of reading she is "allowed" to be in her grade, but her teacher says she is working on comprehension, so she is where she is supposed to be. I'm choosing to trust her, even though I don't know if I completely agree with it. She can read anything she picks up, she reads the bible with fluency, althought I don't know about comprehension, as I have to have someone explain it to me, and I have a college degree in english

I'm not sooo worried about reading, thought, as she's not bored with it, and her teacher allows her to do her level reading for assignments, and when she's done with that quickly, she can pick out a chapter book of her choice, so I feel that reading is "self directed", so I am ok with it.
She is already the youngest in her class, and I'm not comfortable with her social skills, so I am ruling whole grade advancement out.....I think.
I'll do private testing for IQ if I see I need to. It looks like if she does get a 75%, they will have to do IQ testing to complete the IAS. If she doesn't get 75%, it doesn't matter what her IQ is, they won't advance her, so I don't see the point. I know she's gifted, I just have to jump through their hoops.
Grinity... I was thinking of buying the manual, but I have read everything available online on it, and Dottie has given some of the information I was needing. My first hurdle is obviously the 75% on the fourth grade math test, and then after that, the manual will be my foe, not my friend, as I have another child in the receiving grade. I could fight the district on the 75%.... but that will do me no good, as I can't make them go back and undo the lost year. And Dottie read it that she needed the 75%, so maybe that is an additional criteria to the IAS and they just have poor word choices?