Remeber that the 1 point is per EACH SUBJECT that she received 50-75% on that. Even if she did that on 4-5 subjects, that's 4-5 points and it says (not to exceed 8 points), so she would surely still get a high rating if they actually would just complete the IAS.
I would suggest something along these lines "As stated on page X of the IAS, X edition, a score of 50-74% on each subtest of the following test (insert), merits a score of 1 point, which would give X an total of X for this portion of the IAS. Without completing the entire IAS, we strongly feel that this useful tool is not being utilized for its intended purpose. One cannot accurately gauge whether or not X is a suitable candidate without using the scale with its intended purpose. It states on page 38 of the 3rd edition of the IAS, that a student who scores between 50-74% on an above-level test has a high level of aptitude for that area. A score at or above 75% indicates the student has an exceptional aptitude in that area. On page 39, it states that on an above level test a score of 50-74% on an above level test is a good indication of aptitude and above 75% on an above level test is indicative of exceptional aptitude but BOTH cases are indicative that a student is ready for more advanced work.
Anywhere were you can DIRECTLY quote the text to point out the misinterpretations in their understanding is to your advantage.
That is what we had to do, and as I stated before, we were successful with our attempts
