IAS comes with a wonderful 'manual' that is worth ordering and keeping as a reference.

Most of what you are saying makes no sense, which could be that you are confused, but could easily be that the school folks who are using the scale are confused.

Don't know what the AAAA is,

They denied her, because they said the IAS requires a 75% on the second grade exam
As far as I can tell, this is totally untrue.

I mean logically, if your child is scoring 99% on an end of year test at the begining of the year, then nothing fancy is needed to bump her up to the next level.

I would try to put on my least hostile face, and head back to the school and ask them to answer every question you have until it starts to make sense.

Keep posting and we'll try and help. Buy the manual, it's a great little book!


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