My DD also began speaking/reading/writing very well very early. We used to joke about how she started talking in complete sentences well before age 2 and hasn't shut up since.

Originally Posted by Orson
He is exactly like Sheldon on Big Bang Theory.
Too funny, my DD is also a lot like Sheldon in many ways at times (but not as consistently rigid).

Originally Posted by Orson
Many believe the hallmark of Asperger Syndrome is the "special interest"--a subject that engulfs the child. Can be something odd, like vacuum cleaners or antique doorknobs, or can be something more "normal," like bugs, Pokemon, or Twilight. But they will know everything there is to know on the subject, talk about it constantly, become experts. It is their comfort and their love. These interests can change over the years, or stay the same forever. Many boys with ASD love trains beginning with Thomas the Tank Engine, and grow to be experts on trains of all kinds. Many girls with ASD love horses or fantasy/magical worlds.

I believe this is what delayed my DD's diagnosis. From what I understand now though, girls are much more prone to be obsessed with things like reading or animals - obsessions that may seem more "acceptable" or "normal" and they are therefore far less likely to be accurately diagnosed.

Originally Posted by Orson
I urge people not to be ashamed of having Asperger Syndrome. There is a diagnosis because this diagnosis helps the child get appropriate supports in school and at home. Asperger Syndrome is nothing to fear.
I get the impression many Aspies are proud of being Aspies. I know my DD is.