
Beautiful scores for Ghost! I can't believe all the stuff he's doing (can't believe you're surviving taking him to all those activities!)

Just a couple things to consider about DYS--they have counselors who really help think things out, advise, bring an issue/question to committee & then tell you their suggestions. I've found this very helpful. Their recommendations are also influential in negotiating with schools.

There is an annual gathering with high powered presenters for kids' topics and for parents'. The kids get to explore interesting out of the box things AND have lots of fun. These gatherings are free, though flight & hotel are out of pocket (financial aid is available!). I've never been to one, but I'm determined to go next summer (2009). I want to meet the other parents on this board and the experts and counselors. DS9 wants to meet kids he's seen in profiles on the YS boards and kids like him.

There are colloquia available to YS, proctored by professionals/experts. DS9 signed up for one, and it was really great--about meteorology & extreme weather. BUT, he's not motivated to work at it, so he didn't do the readings and slacked off on the dialog. Other kids were completely engaged, had asked questions they'd wanted to know--it was very interactive. They have many topics, and each YS can sign up for 2 colloquia every 6 months.

Also, the YS program now offers an Ambassador program with community service projects--by application. This seems really amazing, for service oriented or project-based (Ghost!) kids.

Finally, mentorship connections can be facilitated through YS. Ghost is at the age, self-motivation, etc. that such a situation might be beneficial to take his inquiries to another level. Some of these go on to become Davidson Fellows (scholarships of $10K-$50K). I expect to read about Ghost being a Davidson Fellow in the next couple years for some amazing math or science study. Check it out.