Originally Posted by Kriston
To hear him, you'd swear he's verbal. His reading is much more advanced than his math skills. Yet his approach to things is often VS. So he seems to be both. Maybe yours is similar?

I think with these ridiculously smart kids, they're frequently just "fluent in all languages" when it comes to learning!

DS's reading skills are a lot higher than his math skills at this point too, but before kindergarten it was totally backwards. And again - it might be because we emphasized math and played a lot of number games before kindy because that's our background. We read to him alot (well above age level) but we didn't emphasize alphabet or phonics games at all. He knew it all before kindergarten - but I'm not sure how! And I do think he has an easier time getting something closer to his level in the classroom right now in reading. And he sounds verbally advanced sometimes. He totally masks for his age mates.

It just really messes with the GT denial! I had gotten to "it's ok - he's a math geek like his parents.". And now he throws in the verbal angle. Arg!