Hey Kriston - trying to remember here, but is your son visual-spatial? I read this in a book I got last weekend that I thought was very applicable to me as visual spatial and probably DS too ...

".. They (visual spatial kids) may learn long division a year or two later than other children the same age, but often master high level algebraic concepts before that" (From Creative Homeschooling for Smart Families Lisa Rivero).

I wonder if it's hard to visualize in your head WHY long division works? I remember needing to understand why this worked, and it took me a while to figure it out (no one certainly told you why in my experience, you were just supposed to jump through the hoops to get problems done).

Murdurous Math sounds quite fun and boy friendly! We'll have to check that out.

I think HG+ kids definitely need "something" for their mental and emotional health or their will be ramifications. I'm still traumatized from my elementary school experience.