Originally Posted by DeeDee
Nik, our DS8 has Asperger's and had a hard time learning to identify his own emotions. He just didn't always connect how his body feels (heart pounding, etc.) with the words we used for those feelings (stress). Learning to deal with anxiety has been in part a process of learning to recognize how he's feeling so he can manage himself effectively.

That makes sense, I can't wait to see what they recommend, I am glad the Diagnostician observed that.

Originally Posted by Nik
The extreme behaviors at home seem to be related to discussions of work progress (or lack thereof) and/or the dreaded taking away of the laptop (like taking heroine from a junkie).

She sounds really frustrated. Is she "stuck" on the laptop? (i.e. at the expense of other things a person her age should do?)

Hahaha, that's the big question: what things should a person her age do? As she has pointed out, around here most people her age are pregnant, smoking, drinking, getting tattoos and piercings, doing drugs, making drugs (meth) or working at becoming pregnant. So her laptop and cola addictions really pale in comparison.

She was doing volunteer work twice a week until the college classes started and now she is driving herself to school 5 days a week (50 miles away) and Karate, and she does practice her musical instruments, but I would say that she still spends 8-10 hours a day on the lap top and if I don't take it away, she'll be up all night on it and sometimes has trouble getting up in the morning. It's like she has no control over it so I am taking it away in the evening which isn't going well. We are in a rural town and she has no friends here other than her online ones scattered around the globe so I can understand a need for a certain amount of interaction online but I think most of the time is spent playing games and watching TV shows. I never let my girls watch more than a couple hours of TV but after my ex bought them laptops a couple years ago it became a huge struggle since they believe I have no right to take them away. The battle continues...