That's a good idea, I will write up a log and send it with the GADS. I am not sure what tests have been given so far or if we are done with testing, DD was there for 6.5 hours and at the end the diagnostician said she didn't observe anything that would lead her to question AS but since I had listed that as a concern on the paperwork she gave me the GADS to take home and mail in.

In the waiting room I saw an article on ADHD and sleep issues which I commented on because it said the typical person with ADHD has an internal clock causing them to prefer to sleep 4am til noon which is spot on for my DD. The Diagnostician then said she did see some things that raised flags for ADD/ADHD and then described her grown daughter who has ADHD so I am guessing that is probably where she will head with the diagnosis. We will meet on Valentines day to discuss the results. I suspect if they feel the GADS warrants it, there will be more testing since they initially quoted 2 prices: one with, and one without the AS test and they charged me sans AS testing.

DD has only had one conflict with a teacher that I am aware of (I too had trouble with that teacher but that is a whole 'nother story), that was over 2 years ago. She does seem to have trouble with missing deadlines/not turning stuff in though. I have been inclined to think this was mostly by choice in less than stimulating educational settings where she deemed the "missing" work to be pointless busywork but I could be wrong.

This may sound awful but one thing I worry about is that because my DD is highly intelligent, somewhat manipulative and quite an actress, I don't know for sure how real on uncontrollable some of her issues are. I know she reads about the different exceptionalities so she knows what traits are typical for which diagnosis. I believe she has studied them in order to help herself figure out her own issues and I may be being overly pessimistic, but it seems that some (not all) of her issues have developed/become worse lately. I don't think she ever had meltdown tantrums or overt displays of anger in public like she does at home but the at home stuff seems to be getting worse. Maybe it's just teen hormones adding to the mix, or the fact that I am suddenly so much more involved now that I am not working and she resents the new level of "supervision".

Gee this is long, I guess I should start my own post on this...

Last edited by Nik; 02/01/11 01:37 PM. Reason: clarity