Originally Posted by Nik
I can see how I would have very different answers on this if I was completing it for her when she was 5 than today because really, how many times in a 6 hour period is an adult (or 17yo) in a position to display "having difficulty making believe or pretending" or "expressing feelings of anger or frustration inappropriately" or "difficulty playing with others".

Yes, that scale is clearly worded to work better for kids.

At the same time, isn't "difficulty making believe" similar to "telling a white lie" and other socially flexible behaviors that most adults engage in but adults with AS struggle with?

"Difficulty playing with others" for an adult is difficulty in compromise, two-way conversation, or adapting to and acting on someone else's ideas. The concepts are not that different-- but GADS should really create a version that names the desired late teen/adult behaviors, so it's clear.

Originally Posted by Nik
It seems pointless for me to even complete this form unless I were to stage opportunities to elicit the behaviors. I don't think most adults have the natural opportunities in their environment to exhibit the same behavior 5 separate times in a 6 hour period.

Maybe your workplace is varied... but many workplaces consist of meeting after meeting, which elicits similar behaviors all day. A school setting might also yield a lot of instances. Home is least likely to elicit lots of unwanted behavior, because it's the most socially comfortable place for a person with AS.

Originally Posted by Nik
Or am I reading it wrong? If my DD continues to monologue even after I have asked her to stop talking 5 times is that 5 instances???

Yeah, I'd say that's 5 instances for this purpose.
