This is interesting. I'm a 32-year-old Aspie female. I was diagnosed about 4 years ago when some sensory difficulties at a workplace made me look more into the cause. When I was younger, I had a lot of difficulty socially, but growing up and working in the corporate world helped with a lot of that.

Quirky works just fine in my line of business as long as you have the basics down. I have quite a few close friends now -- people even came to my wedding!! (I say this as a joke, but there was a time when that wouldn't have happened).

Anyway - back to the topic. I still lecture. That's the big thing I'm trying to work on right now. It drives my family nuts. In fact, this post is starting to sound like a lecture.

I recently went for and got promoted to a manager position so I seem to be doing pretty well. Nobody who I've told since my dx has ever noticed anything off, but I've also grown a lot since I was younger.

In a way, you could say I "grew out of it" because you can't tell anymore, but it does take me a lot of work to handle the things I do on a daily basis. And I still rely on my husband to make most of the phone calls (unless it requires lecturing someone) smile.

I'm often tired and overwhelmed and need calming activities at the end of the day. I participate in an autism forum and check in there about 20 times a day (even though it's not that busy). It's just good to know there are other people who have to work hard at these little things too.

It's possible that being both gifted and female may have given me some advantages in "learning to pass" with Asperger's. Probably other factors too that aren't as immediately obvious. - An autism and psychology discussion forum.