Originally Posted by Nik
Interesting, my DD has claimed many times that she doesn't know the meaning of the word stress and has never felt it. (She loves to take tests and does very well on them, even the ACT and SAT, she never bothered to study for either yet she did really well). The Diagnostician told me however, that my DD has loads of anxiety and that she observed especially extreme anxiety during the writing portion of the test.

Nik, our DS8 has Asperger's and had a hard time learning to identify his own emotions. He just didn't always connect how his body feels (heart pounding, etc.) with the words we used for those feelings (stress). Learning to deal with anxiety has been in part a process of learning to recognize how he's feeling so he can manage himself effectively.

Originally Posted by Nik
The extreme behaviors at home seem to be related to discussions of work progress (or lack thereof) and/or the dreaded taking away of the laptop (like taking heroine from a junkie).

She sounds really frustrated. Is she "stuck" on the laptop? (i.e. at the expense of other things a person her age should do?)

Originally Posted by Nik
I am not very impressed with this test.

Me neither. I hope the tester will understand the inappropriateness of these questions to your DD's particular situation...
