Originally Posted by DeeDee
If she is highly anxious or impulsive, some behaviors may look "chosen" that are really driven by anxiety or impulsivity. Our DS is like that; sometimes his choices are wholly unreasonable from others' perspective. It is very frustrating for the people around him; it looks like sheer manipulation, but he's sometimes terrified and behaving accordingly.
Interesting, my DD has claimed many times that she doesn't know the meaning of the word stress and has never felt it. (She loves to take tests and does very well on them, even the ACT and SAT, she never bothered to study for either yet she did really well). The Diagnostician told me however, that my DD has loads of anxiety and that she observed especially extreme anxiety during the writing portion of the test. The extreme behaviors at home seem to be related to discussions of work progress (or lack thereof) and/or the dreaded taking away of the laptop (like taking heroine from a junkie).

I'll call the center tomorrow for help with the GADS if the freeze doesn't shut everything down again. I am now hung up on all of the cognitive development questions: "Does child learn like average children?" etc yes or no. Of course the answer is no but only because she is so far beyond average, but I suspect they will interpret "no" to mean she doesn't learn as well as average children...sigh...I am not very impressed with this test.