I'm a bold stubborn Aries and both my kid's are libra's, hopefully astrology's true because then they will have a little more temperance than I had. �I hope so. �I'm trying to get my hands on some CBT literature as a back-up plan. �What I've seen about it browsing online is that it supposedly puts you in charge of your ownself, which �if I can teach my kid's that responsibity I'll be happy that they know how to stay out of trouble. �
Watching Cesar Milan today and he said the same thing I have been reading in this thread. "Work on one behavior at a time."�
More examples- last night walking out of the store he kept telling (ordering) me to "stay" while his dad and sister walked to the car. �He tried to walk me back into the store. �I inched him to the car slowly without him crying. �I've been known to drag him there on my shoulder before, but we had extra time last night. �I know, he wants to spend more time with me, he's got a new sister and his dad keeps leaving for a week. �I'm glad I saw the nurtured heart before we started this. �He does stuff to get in trouble all the time when I'm nursing the baby to make me stop. �Everybody says it's for attention, that's classic wisdom. �But I wouldn't have really understood without the description that a parent's energy is like food and water to a kid. �Pushing buttons? �The boy started jumping on the bed around me while I was trying to nurse the baby. �There's no doubt he knew how wrong that was and he did it intentionally. �That's normal kid behavior. �Nothing I can do but wait it out. �Inhale. �Exhale. �It's making me very angry. �The baby is a picky nurser, gotta nurse just right or she won't nurse. �Wyatt keeps trying to make me talk, espy doesnt like me to talk. Inhale, 2,3,4. �Exhale, 3,4.. I can only guess it makes an awkward vibration. �I want to be on my babymoon, but I have a 3 yr 0ld. �
I really don't have it in me to do the thirty second time outs right now. �But it looks like I have to. �Actually the extra time teaching him better manners or other discipline would also be giving him extra attention and high quality energy.
I know what's happening. �In my mind I know what I'm in the middle of. �That means this is probably one of the easier problems in my parenting future.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar