I'm so glad you're bringing up these issues because we're facing very similar ones with DS6. My husband and I are seriously looking into the idea of counseling for him just so he can have someone to talk to about his sensitivities. We're starting to get very worried, esp. about his self-loathing when he gets in minor trouble.

Last week, he got in trouble for a minor issue. It was in one of his workshops, and he was trying to go hang out w/ an older friend instead of sitting down to get some work done between class. When I wouldn't let him leave, he threw a typical 6 year old fit (crabby face, a little slamming of things, arms defiantly crossed, etc.) I made him take a brief time out around a hidden corner of the room until he calmed down (parents and teachers there, but no peers), and he lost electronics privileges (first for the day, then for the next day too.) I thought that was it, but he talked in the car about being so mad that he wanted to hurt himself. He kept talking that way at home, and later I found a journal entry asking God to please kill him now because he's such a bad kid. (He's actually VERY sweet and much better behaved than most his age.)

After we talked, he bounced back to his normal happy self, but he did say he feels this way a lot when he gets in trouble. I don't think we're overly strict parents (we usually just use timeouts, don't hit or berate), and now I'm very worried.

I read that this type of behavior is not uncommon for a PG child (and yes, he's a perfectionist), but 6 seems so young to be thinking about counseling. I just want to find him coping skills that work before he gets older.

Gosh, I didn't log in meaning to start rambling about our issue, but since I've already started typing, if anyone has any words of advice, please feel free to share with me.

HS Mom to DYS6 and DS2