Anyone else have one of those?

My oldest is four and is just ALWAYS pushing. Everything is a battle. Today, he screamed in my face because I told him he couldn't come inside without washing his feet. They were coated in mud. we deal with it, move on, and its something else.

The ones that annoy me the most are the things that have been house rules since as soon as he could walk. After you finish eating, you have to put you plate up at the sink. He has had to do that since he was about a year old. So today, he didn't and had a meltdown when I asked him to do it.

I admit I am writing this worn out and exhasted from it, but please tell me I'm not the only one who has to deal with this?!?!? My friends don't seem to have this problem. Sure, they have to say no several times, but not every single time the issue comes up for what feels like the rest of their lives!