OMG...I feel like I am typing your initial post and all of your responses bc my dd 10 is EXACTLY the same way. We have been through 3 different batteries of testing. the diagnoses are:
APD (auditory processing disorder)
SID (sensory integration disorder)
Her biggest problem in school is the slow processing speed. She is falling further and further behind, although she is an extremely intelligent child who loves to learn and works and tries very hard.
Therefore, the said she has now developed an emotional disorder based on her struggles.
I have tried and tried to get the school to help her and work with her and give her accommodations, but they still can't figure out how to best help her and expect her to be able to keep up in the classroom. I am at the point of trying homeschooling. I am at a loss as to how to help her be successful in school when we have tried all that I know to try.