I dug this thread out to rant frown.

Two of my friends have kids with dyslexia. I sympathize and really want to help. I've been passing on whatever resources I've found, many of which are not suitable for DS, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I recently organized a group buy for something that I did find useful. Then I found out that one of the mums had arranged for the material to be used by her friends in a co-op setting, but she wasn't going to include us. "The number of kids is too overwhelming", she says. I just feel so let down. I guess I wouldn't have joined in any case as my son is really picky about friends, but isn't it even just courtesy and respect to ask since I did all the leg work? I think I must have sounded upset, because she sent an email to say perhaps I should join them after all since going it alone is hard work. I don't feel like replying to make her feel better.

All these never happened before DS. I'm so grateful DS and I have each other (DH can't quite understand what's happening since he's at work all the time)! But gosh, looks like no matter how much I contribute, it'll seem like we don't "deserve" help because "your kid is too advanced for his age".
