Originally Posted by GeoMamma
it wasn't anything to do with me. I think there are some people who, for reasons of their own, just have to be horrible to you. Whatever personal 'hot buttons' they have, they just lash out instead of dealing with it. The level of hatred she has had to maintain to do this for more than a year despite me not responding in anyway unless I have had to, is staggering to me.

GM, I'm so sorry it came to this, but not surprised. I have a colleague where i have wondered the exact same thing - how do you maintain it - how are you always the victim while harming others - how do you constantly lie even when caught. it is bewildering, frustrating and very draining. I found that being around the person and their drama just sucked the positive out of me and replaced it with their crap. And I totally agree, even people who think we exaggerate, or are bragging, are not necessarily malicious. To undermine and actively work against someone doesnt have anything to do with the kids, its the adult!

Can you find a new group? Maybe there are others also on the outside - not sure how small your area is smile
