Thanks everyone, it is good to know I'm not alone.

GreenGully, unfortunately, I am the one 'in charge' and she hasn't been obvious enough that I can point to it and say "That isn't on". Just lots of little niggly things, but just about constant. Every few days I get an email, asking to change something, or to do something, and as I said, lots of evidence that there are remarks behind my back, but nothing again I can point to without looking like I'm just being silly.

TBH, I could fight it, but I don't see the point. To continue in my role, I would need to continue to deal with these people all the time and have them in my home, and it isn't worth it. I don't need it and my children don't need it. So moving away from it all is a much better idea. Plus, as I said before, I don't want to give them the satisfaction that they got to me.