Originally Posted by JenSMP
She and the teacher expressed concern that the current ADHD medication (Ritalin) could be contributing to the increased anxiety, aggression, and anger. Over the weekend, we observed some definite negative changes in behavior. Ds just seems angry.

I can't wait to read the sequel!
More seriously, this seems like a good time to stop the Ritalin and see how things go. Anger can be from so many things, from medication, to an often overlooked symptom of Depression.

I'm so pleased that the school is working with you. Yippee!
I would still persevere with the daily emails. In the begining you can simply express your appreciation for the teacher and not even ask her for a positive - just report on a positive your son did at home and how he just glowed when your praised him for it.

Just a thought - you are going to need some prop to get you through the next 6 months, yes?

Love and More Love,

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