Originally Posted by DeeDee
If I remember correctly, you upped the stimulant recently, right? That can increase anxiety.

We changed medications, but we didn't increase the dose. We are just using a short acting/instant release stimulant rather than the extended release. With the instant release we see less anxiety, less personality changes, and increased appetite. We actually see fewer meltdowns at home, and interestingly, this is the first he's had all week. So, he just completed three full days without any incidents at all, and he has been completing all of his work for over a month now. I don't know if the teacher is reacting to an emotionally charged situation, or if she truly feels things are getting worse. I actually thought they were getting better to a degree. I certainly didn't think they were getting worse.

Originally Posted by DeeDee
I would suggest being open to exploring the possibility of adding another med; as you know, for our DS, an SSRI was necessary to treat the anxiety and really reduced these meltdown situations at school.

I know, but I'm so scared to give my 7 year old an SSRI before we've even done the neuro-psych testing. I'm not opposed to helping him in any way that make sense, but I'm so afraid of giving him something that makes it worse. Plus, I know trying to stop taking an antidepressant can be quite difficult. It's definitely on the list of things to consider. Our doctor has said it will be the next course of action if the emotional regulation issues do not improve.

Thanks for responding. I feel like pulling my hair out.

Last edited by JenSMP; 10/28/10 06:07 PM.