Did your son like going to school? Did he want to be there? Did you have an indication that he was unhappy at school before you uncovered the poor K fit with the therapist?

In hindsight, he had all of the signs of being miserable at school, but he was so miserable at home, that we actually thought he was doing great at school comparatively. He started off the year really well, making friends, and enjoying the work. After winter break, things started to go south, and by March, he was crying or just looked despondent whenever I would leave the classroom, and started to beg me to stay in the classroom every day. He also started making up stories about school that showed how anxious he was. He became so down at home that he barely played, and would get frustrated by any minor thing. It came to the point that he no longer made jokes (from a kid with a great sense of humor), and no longer pondered the big complex questions and ideas that have been the hallmark of his giftedness. After he had been in therapy for a few weeks, he gradually began to return to baseline, and we were able to advocate for him with the school so that things were at least tolerable most of the time...

Last edited by Rosaspina; 10/31/10 02:01 PM.