Jen, I have this book called "skillstreaming" for teaching kids how to act if it doesn't come naturally. �I think it's for shrinks and teachers. �I just looked up "dealing with feeling mad" to see what it tells you. �

1. Stop and think
Discuss the importance of stopping and not doing anything. �Talk about the negative consequence of acting out this feeling in an aggressive way. �Also discuss that stopping and thinking give a person time to male choices.
2. Choose
a. �Turtle
Instruct children to act like turtles, curling up in their shells where they can't see the person (or thing) with whom they are angry.
b. Relax
Refer to relaxing (skill 32).
c. Ask to talk.
Discuss people children can talk to. �Refer to asking to talk (skill 23) as needed.
3. Do it.
Children should make one of these choices.

Suggested situations:
School: the teacher won't let you have free play.
Home: its raining and a parent won't let you ride your bike.
Peer group: a friend has taken your basketball and won't give it back.