Jen, I can't answer your question specifically because my son (DS7 also) has not been diagnosed with ADHD and has never been on medication. He has, however, had outbursts such as you describe throughout his schooling. My son's diagnosis was autism, now asperger's, and we have used behavior therapy with him to help with frustration, perfectionism, and emotional self-regulation. Have you considered non-medication therapy like ABA or cognitive behavior therapy? From your description of your son, it sounds like it might help.

We have found a school that is a really good fit this year and one reason is that DS's current teacher would have "kicked into action" at the first hint of frustration instead of waiting until the scissors were thrown on the floor in disgust. By then (for our DS) it is too late, the meltdown is occurring and there is not much to be done. A perceptive teacher can often recognize early signs of impending problems and nip them in the bud before it is too late.

Hope that helps a little! Nan

Last edited by NanRos; 10/29/10 04:10 AM. Reason: correct name :)