Aw DayT,
I'm sorry you got that sort of response, but at least you know what you are dealing with.
Please visit the Gifted school soon and figure out if you think it's going to actually be a good fit....because why wait for something that isn't a good fit.

Good for you for not allowing the teacher to rent space in your head. It's a big world and there is room for all kinds of opinions - there is no need to share!

I was looking back at Inky's quote of me, and it brought back so many memories - bad ones! I had forgotten quite how bad it was at times. It used to take me 2 weeks to post after one of 'those' sorts of meetings - so you are ahead of me!!!!

And things do (often) get better! My DS is really really happy and doing really well at his current school and is enjoying friends and extracurriculars. Heaven!

Love and More Love,

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