I am glad and sad I am not alone. I had to give myself a good talking to last night, I was feeling terrible about approaching the teacher and dh chided me for not giving the teacher an outline of what we wanted to discuss before we got there. I had to tell him that we should be able to discuss our daughters school progress with her at any time without a list of specific topics and I had to tell myself that we are doing the best we can for our child. That I should not feel bad or embarrassed by this teachers response to our concerns. I was feeling like an overbearing mother but honestly I don't think I was, I think this teacher would have just been happier if we were to just leave her (the teacher) alone to do any kind of job she wants to do while teaching our daughter.
Thankfully we still have dd enrolled in Montessori for kindergarten in the mornings, so we know that she is still actively learning for the first half of the day. We'll have to give public school a little more time and then have another meeting to see what else can be done. We wanted dd in public school kindergarten so that she would start school with the rest of her graduating class, so the school could see her and get to know her before sending her to 1st grade, and so that she would be actively engaged in learning all day long. (Last year with half day preschool she was dissatisfied, she wanted more.)
I promised myself that I am not going to let this teacher make me feel bad, make me feel overbearing, or be condescending to our family again.