Originally Posted by daytripper75
We've encouraged her to ask the teacher if she can read her a book but she likes to fly beneath the radar a little too much to volunteer to do that.

Thanks again for your suggestions! I will talk about them with my husband and hopefully he and I can get some things in writing that we want to discuss with the teacher.

In a lot of ways it's great that she wants to fly beneath the radar - it means that she has the social skills to understand her situation well, and the flexability to want to fit in. But it puts MORE pressure on the parents to put their little wall-flower in a garden where she can fade into the crowd and still get what she needs. Hopefully the self contained program will be that for her.

I would still URGE you to go visit the self contained program 1st grade. It may be a good match for you specific individual daughter or it may not. Really. She may need to be in the First grade there now (even if they say they never do that - if the get the picture that it's needed, and it is needed, they will.)

BTW - are talking about getting her to volunteer to read to the whole class? As my son would say - that's social suicide! Be very careful not to push her into a 'teacher's helper' role. You want her to learn as much as she can from her peer interactions - as a peer.

Best Wishes,

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