Thanks Grinity! We encouraged her to find a time where all of the kids were playing to ask her teacher if she could read her a book. We really emphasized the point that it should just be dd and her teacher.
We've had some suggestions from friends and family to allow the teacher to put dd into a helper role but I don't feel comfortable with that. She's 5, she doesn't need a job.
Our meeting with the teacher is on Monday. I am going to pull together a bit of dd's work to present to the teacher and we made sure we had a sitter for both of our children that day. The meeting is for 5 minutes after school is let out, so that makes for an awkward time for getting dd into someone else's care without her figuring out what is going on.
My husband and I plan to sit down together tonight and write out what it is exactly we want for our daughter and some key phrases we want to be sure to use. I have very little idea what exactly we're going to say but I am hoping that our attitudes will help win the teacher over. We know that our dd is one of 20-some students this woman needs to educate and that each child in the class is equally important. We just need to make sure our little girl is getting what she needs too.
We're going to visit the gifted school in November, if it still seems like a good fit I will definitely make plans to sit in on a class or two. Thanks for that advice!