Originally Posted by daytripper75
So our game plan for the day is spirit of humility, ask the teacher what she's done in the past, maybe show dd's work, ask for a formal assessment of dd, and hope against hope that this is all we'll have to do to get dd a FAPE.
Our meeting is this afternoon and I am nervous!!!
Good for you - this sounds like a wonderful game plan. It's hard to have difference of opinion with DH, but at least you know going into the meeting where everyone stands. Try to listen well to DH and figure out where his objection to showing the portfolio is coming from.

Try and relax as much as possible. Remember that your goal is to build an allinance with the teacher, and babysteps are best. If you are nervous, it's possible that you are setting your goals for what the meeting will accomplish too high. At this point a good beginner goal is to meet the teacher and let her know that if she feels inspired to give your DD harder work you won't be offended and come after her!

Love and More Love,

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