DH and I finally spoke last night. We don't have much of a game plan but this is what we came up with. We're both going to concentrate on having a spirit of humility and remind ourselves that our dd is one of many. We are going to ask the teacher what she has done in the past for students like dd (ours can't possibly be the first, we know factually that ours isn't the first) and listen to what the teacher has to say. We have a small sampling of dd's work. (A just started Singapore Math for second grade, a book she is currently reading, a picture she drew, and her "report card" from Montessori preschool.) DH does not want to show the teacher any of this but I insisted that we at least take it along.
We don't know what to suggest that the teacher *do* for dd, so we're hoping that she will have at least a few options for us that have worked for her in the past. (She's a veteran teacher, she's been at the school at least 20 years and teaching for longer than that.) We also plan to ask for a formal assessment for dd, which they do in the winter months upon request.
So our game plan for the day is spirit of humility, ask the teacher what she's done in the past, maybe show dd's work, ask for a formal assessment of dd, and hope against hope that this is all we'll have to do to get dd a FAPE.
Our meeting is this afternoon and I am nervous!!!