Originally Posted by AlexsMom
Originally Posted by chris1234
she does ballet and it really is nice for her to have the 'bun' when everyone else does.
We had it bobbed for a bit but the bun really suffered! (normally I wouldn't care about that either, but she LOVES ballet and is so serious about it, I want her to have the whole package, and I think she does too...)

We had the "you can't cut your hair because of ballet" issue, too. We're fortunate enough to have lots of studios in the area, and found one that has a very loose dress code - kids come in just about anything, and which pretty much every hairstyle and length imaginable, which helped a lot. When half the kids have too-short-to-bun hair, no one feels left out without a bun.

DD does ballet at an academy which means strict rules about hair. She has or rather HAD long hair which helped with the rules but I really felt for some of the other moms whose children had layers in their hair. I couldn't imagine forcing that hair into a bun for their performances. Poor things. When we received their costumes we also received very specific instructions on how the hair was to be put up, including no bangs allowed.

The reason DD no longer has long hair is because she took it upon herself to give herself a haircut. She went to town on it and scalped the top of her head. And before anyone goes there with this was a clear sign of her not wanting the gender specific long hair ... she was the one who insisted on long hair. I was happier with shorter layered hair and bangs. But as long as she allowed us to pull it out of her face, I was fine with letting her grow it.