Sensitive to hair ... yep, got one of those! You could always use a ton of detangler but I find DD's hair to be a little greasy after over doing it with the products. Some suggestions:

BioSilk Silk Therapy Hair Treatment. It is a clear liquid and though a little pricy works wonders and can be used on wet and/or dry hair. You only need a tiny drop and the tangles are gone. Ever since adding this one into our routine DD has stopped complaining and has no more meltdowns about getting her hair done.

Also I love the circle of friends line, especially the detangler because it doesn't leave DD's hair greasy even if I need to spray a little more than normal. Our usual routine is Silk Therapy on the wet hair which is when she goes to bed and can lead to a few tangles the next morning and then the circle of friends detangler in the morning which is a 'just in case' course of action since she slept on her wet hair.