Originally Posted by chris1234
what do you do for the sensitive (but brutish) gt girl who wont allow you to brush or comb her hair without a HUGE fuss? or, if she refuses to 'allow' barrettes or pony tail holders, same huge fuss, what then?

Our rule was that kids who want long hair have to put up with either ponytail / braid / something to keep it untangled or with the brushing and combing. At one point, DD had waist-length hair, and had to sleep with it in a braid because she wasn't willing to deal with me picking the tangles out in the morning. She now has much shorter hair, and everyone is happier.

We also switched to conditioner-only (no shampoo) about 2 years ago, and that really cut down on the tangles. Plus her hair looks great.

Originally Posted by chris1234
we usually get tons of compliments on dd4's behavior at school, but then she can be really unbearable/loud/aggressive at home.

Any chance it's "I can keep it together in public, but need the relaxation of a good meltdown at home"?

We use melatonin to facilitate an earlier bedtime in the summer. DD7 needs ~11 hours of sleep a night, but without something to override the "daylight = waking time" cues, she'd get more like 9 hours this time of year. Better sleeping sometimes improves home behavior, but stress trumps sleep.