Well if you believe that he's at 150, but performing at 125, then obviously there's a performance gap.

With great strengths, there are great weaknesses and it seems to me that the weaknesses are dragging the feet.

How's the emotional and spiritual development? Does he look happy? Is there something that fires his heart?

In my study of successful people, intelligence means nothing. It all depends on one's meaning in life and the passions that ignites the heart.

Find what you love and be the best you can at it.

What does he cling to, what's the thing he can't get enough of, or is endlessly fascinated by? I bet you a million dollars, it ain't IQ tests.

Don't need a fancy shmancy school or program to provide for his passions. Sometimes, a simple set of glass/plastic lenses will do just nicely. Tight budget? Try a eyeglass shop for throw away or defective lenses. He'll probably reinvent optical physics in a few years.

Last edited by Durentu; 07/02/10 09:04 AM.