Thanks for the responses mnmom23 and CFK. I do wonder if my son would perform differently on an individual test rather than a group test. I would like to at some point do an individual test and privately to see if I can get a more accurate result. For now I've asked his teacher if it was possible to retake the Cogat portion only since it seemed to do the trick with the Olsat (taking a 2nd time). I'm really just anxious to have closure. If he's not going to be in the program I'd rather tuck it away and just let it go.

CFK-- I'm sorry if I was brushing off an IQ of 130.. You are right, people in this range can perform very highly. And looking at people in my family they seem to have less issues with fear of failure, motivation and perfectionism. I guess I have poor perspective since I was considered "average" growing up among my family even though I was in my school's G&T program. I realize now reading more about the topic how I probably had strengths in other areas and not necessarily the same strengths as other people.

I look forward to hearing if someone has had similar issues. I know the teacher last year(Kindergarten)told me another student several years ago didn't pass the test the first time and did the second time and then was so advanced in math(he performed binomial equations in 1st or 2nd grade) that his parents had to move him onto another school to meet his needs. I guess for whatever reason things like that can happen. She also told me in her personal experience that her own gifted son didn't pass the first time but did the 2nd time. My concern is that this is the 2nd time for my DS. Do I still keep plugging away? I guess I just want an answer. It's really bugging me. The other thing is that when my DS came home from taking the Olsat he insisted it was so easy and he only got one wrong on one portion and zero wrong on the next day's portion. His score of 133 really doesn't reflect that. Then when he took the Cogat he said he got one or 2 wrong. And again, his score 124 doesn't seem to reflect that either. I don't know what to think.

I know we didn't have the OLsat or Cogat when I was in school (I'm 40 years old). I remember it was the IOWA skills test. Maybe there was another one that I just don't remember but I do remember the IOWA one which was administered in 2nd or 3rd grade. Am I better off just waiting to test at a later grade? Also, I felt my score and my brother's(149IQ) were both higher than my son's Olsat and Cogat score. I guess that's also where I'm not having the proper perspective on things. Were the scores from long ago over-inflated or on a different scale? My violin prodigy cousin said when she was tested she took several types of tests and scored 157IQ--she's now 32 years old. Also, she mentioned she knew our uncle was tested when he was young (he's now 59 years old) and his result was 148IQ. All these numbers and different skills people have-- it's all very confusing.

I'm just worried my son will be disappointed about "not passing". When I told him his teacher this year wanted him to take the same test from last year he said-- why? I already did great on it last year-- although he did tell me he got "5 wrong" when he came home from the test and I thought,,hmm. that doesn't sound good. Also, when he took the Olsat this time he was grouped with 7 other kids.. only he and his best friend moved onto the Cogat. If his friend gets in the program I worry if my son may be upset. He's strangely competitive. It's difficult to deal with especially when I'm such an "underachiever" type personality. I hope to find closure soon. Thanks!