Originally Posted by cocomom
I truly feel he's in the 150+IQ range just on sheer performance..

Originally Posted by cocomom
I know we didn't have the OLsat or Cogat when I was in school (I'm 40 years old). I remember it was the IOWA skills test. Maybe there was another one that I just don't remember but I do remember the IOWA one which was administered in 2nd or 3rd grade. Am I better off just waiting to test at a later grade? Also, I felt my score and my brother's(149IQ) were both higher than my son's Olsat and Cogat score. I guess that's also where I'm not having the proper perspective on things. Were the scores from long ago over-inflated or on a different scale? My violin prodigy cousin said when she was tested she took several types of tests and scored 157IQ--she's now 32 years old. Also, she mentioned she knew our uncle was tested when he was young (he's now 59 years old) and his result was 148IQ. All these numbers and different skills people have-- it's all very confusing.

You are comparing old IQ tests to modern tests. They are both based on very different criteria. The former is a ratio test, the latter is based on normal distribution. Unfortunately it's pretty much impossible to compare them. Today's test give much lower numbers.

150 is truly a high number. It would mean that your child scores in the 99.96 % which is without any doubt a very impressive number. 130 is 97.7%

(SD 15)

Your best bet would be to take your son for and individual IQ test and see if you can get the school accept outside results.
