Originally Posted by cocomom
Doing what is required is fine and he'll do it well but then he doesn't want to do what's extra--or practice anything. Is that normal or is he just lazy?

Sounds like my DD, so "normal for our house," if that helps. Although my DD is currently in a "I can't get my own drink of water without whining" phase, so I wouldn't rule out lazy in her case. wink

Originally Posted by cocomom
I know the example that Taminy gave for her DS and less exposure to some material was a factor for my son in taking the test. I think that's why he was able to pass the OLSAT the 2nd time around without any prep or practice ( I still have no idea what kind of questions are on that exam).

My notes from DD's 1st grade OLSAT say: Parts 1 and 2 got done on Monday, and were apparently "which one doesn't belong" and analogies ("There was a picture of a flower and a flower petal, then a picture of a tree, and we had to pick what went with the tree"). Part 3 was today, and involved the teacher reading a problem, which they had to solve in their heads ("KidName had two friends, and 9 stickers. Everyone got the same number of stickers. How many stickers did each person get?").

We got verbal, non-verbal, and composite scores, plus the standard error of measurement, which was 5.3. I don't know that the SEM varies much between test versions.

FWIW, our school district uses composite + SEM in determining whether kids make the cutoff.