I don't mean to sound like a GT elitist, but it drives me NUTS when GATE programs let in more than 8-10% of the student body. By doing so, they dilute the programs for the HG/PG kids who truly NEED the program, and it does nothing for them.

We all know that there's a huge difference between a child in the 97th% and one in the 99.9th. The former can still generally get what they need in a regular classroom; the latter can't. I've completely given up on it anyhow, though. From everything I've heard, it's not nearly enough. Plus, of course, it doesn't start until 3rd grade. (We can get into YS but not into GATE?!?) That, and our public budgets are so depleted that there's nothing left to the program. In our old elementary school of 740 children, there was only $3500 left for GATE. (Plenty for the lower spectrum special needs, of course.) Grrr...

I'm sorry....I'm having a cranky morning and know I'm coming across crabby!!

HS Mom to DYS6 and DS2