It's not just Texas that many have guns! They are everywhere. I think what is important is not whether or not there is one in the home, but what safety precautions are in place if they are in the home. Are they locked in a safe? if yes, then there is no more harm than being in a home without them at all. there are more people that have them they most people who don't have them can even imagine. Safety should be the number one concern and I agree that I am more concerned about the parents and what type of people they are. then you see what sort of measures they take for safety if there are guns in the home. Many of my children's friends' parents are police officers and yes, they all have guns in the home. If the guns are securely locked up and not accessible, then you are in no more danger than a home that doesn't have one. I don't ask people if they have them. I tend to know all the parents my children play with and they have similar views and parenting as I do. the ones that don't, I stay when they go there, or we meet at a park or something if I am not comfortable leaving my child there. My DC 8, was invited to a sleepover party this year. I, for one, thought this was too young, and I didn't know the mom at all. So, I let DC go to the party and then picked her up at 9:30pm. She was glad not to sleepover too as she didn't know the mom either. The girl also has an older sibling, and without knowing the family, I am not comfortable with that. DC and I discuss that we just don't do sleepovers at this age and if she wants to sleep at Gparents or whatnot, that's fine, but when I don't know the family, I'd prefer not to.