It is called Airsoft.

I think its a lot more appropriate than just play guns because it does hurt when you get hit. That instills consequences for getting shot rather than the no-risk games using play guns.

My nephews thought guns were play things until I took them shooting with a variety of weapons until they just sick of it. I then got out my airsoft pistols. They each got a few welts and now take guns seriously. They know how easy it is to get hurt. I also showed them real pictures of gunshot wounds. I did this all in one day and it made a deep impression on them. They now know that guns are serious things. My dad did the same for me.

Knives are far more dangerous, though. Knife attacks have a 30% fatality rate while guns only have about a 10% fatality rate. Most people do not know this.


Mr W will have a few years of MMA training and he will get to shoot a lot. And some knife training. All so he can protect himself.

Having said this, we do not allow Mr W to watch violent stuff on TV and I will never let him watch violence against women or children, which I consider to be rank obscenity. Most of the violence in movies and TV is fantasy. There is no blood, no body parts, and no people screaming uncontrollably.

When I was growing up, my dad took us to see war movies. He then discussed it with us, giving us his impressions, himself a combat veteran. We also got input from our uncles who had been shot and wounded as well. Mr W will get this as well.

Like anything else, I think its better to take a few sips of wine early, rather than let a kid find about it by themselves. Violence is just another one of those things to guide them through.