I am a former helicopter mom and where we live, it is common for people to have guns in their homes. Some of my son's friends have guns in their homes but they are locked away in gun cabinets. The parents are very responsible people and I feel that my son is safe with them.

My husband is a Vietnam veteran and Patriot Guard rider. We have a gun in our house locked in a gun cabinet. My husband used it once to kill a rabid skunk in our yard, so I am glad we have it. He and his brother, who loves Civil War and World War II history and collects guns, taught my son how to shoot a gun. My son has a pellet rifle that he uses for target practice. He has been taught gun safety, but he does not know where the key to the gun cabinet is kept.

My son plays World War II and other interactive history type games that include battles. He learned a lot of history this way by playing computer games and reading.

I think it is important for people to learn to protect themselves. I had promised to let my son take a martial arts class, but just when we were about to enroll him in a class, we found out that he would have to wear the scoliosis brace until he is finished growing, so he will probably have to take lessons as an adult.