
You know my advice - LOL! I've been using the Nurtured Heart Approach for about a year now with DS13, and I can't believe how much of a change there is in him. Of course it could just be 'maturity' but you know how it is - some of his 'stuff' had been like that since preschool.

Here's a previous post about it
Well, it could continue her whole childhood!

Here's a book reccomendation - read the stories on the website http://www.energyparenting.com/public/department61.cfm
and if they seem 'to fit' then try:
Transforming the Difficult Child - Book
The Nurtured Heart Approach is an amazing set of strategies developed specifically for children with ADHD and other challenging behaviors to facilitate parenting and classroom success.

It is tough when a child is 'too smart' for regular parenting books, and this is the first book I've read that really digs in and gives advice on how to provide the right level of structure and support of really intense children. The folks who are writing this material don't actually realize that they are describing gifted children, but if the shoe fits....

My next advice is to take excellent care of yourself during this stressful time. I really think that my DS, especially in the preschool years, was sort of boundryless with me on the emotional level, so when his behavior got out of control, I'd get scared and sad and act different, and then he'd get even worse.

Let's count blessings:
He isn't in school now, and doesn't need to be.
You have insurance.
You have the referral.
2 months is a long time, but it will pass.
In most places, the weather is getting better and more outside time is possible - that helps everything.
As the schoolyear winds down you may be able to find an older child to 'come play' with Bear on a regular basis, perhaps as part of a community service project?
We are here, so pick one key area to work on for a week or 2, post all about that area you'd like to impact, in full detail, and you get some fresh ideas.

Advice - if you are up, and have a minute, give a midnight cuddle and tell him some positive things about himself while he is half asleep. Be strict with yourself to be 100% only positive during these nighttime visits.

Advice - try and use humor as much as possible. Start some silly routines to lighten the mood. Dig out a favorite music recording and play it more. Get Bear to brainstorm a happy list with you. Praise him every time he doesn't resist the slightest thing, even if you have to take him to the slide at the playground, wait until he's pushed himself off the top, and say: "Slide Down Now!" - then at the bottom you can praise him for being so obedient and doing exactly what Mommy wanted!

Hugs and More Hugs,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com